
Free Stream Ne Zha zhi mo tong jiang shi mkv imdb id tt10627720 Online Free






  1. Directed by - Yu Yang
  2. 2791 votes
  3. Yu Yang
  4. China
  5. Action
  6. 2019

This looks AMAZING. 这就是中国文化,不用去理会别人说什么,用心做好我们特色的文化电影,我们中国人华人,大马华人, 新加坡华人,包括全世界的华人, 多少啊? 用得着他们去欣赏吗?我说的对吗?. 眸俄奔波了是吗?. 吹一波,国产动漫再接再厉,我会一直支持贡献票房.


Is nezha a God. “你就是我的命.我唯一的朋友.”. 这特效可以呀 超赞. So funning. Bal Hanuman 😁. I almost cried 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but so lovely 😃😃😃😃😄😄😄😄😄😄. 本尊不在乎歪果仁的看法,我喜欢就好. An impressive animation which portraits two typical Chinese from new generation.
Ne Zha is a second generation from a rich and high rank Chinese army family( a family of the army leader parents in Chentang in the movie. His parents are very busy with their career( have no time to play with Ne Zha in the movie) have no time to be with their child, and take all their child's mistakes to be their responsibilities( hardly punish Ne Zha in a traditional Chinese way but isolate him in the movie, the father even plans to die for saving his son's life in the movie.
Ao Bing is a nice young man from a far more traditional Chinese village( dragons in the bottom of the sea in the movie. The village and villagers have been mistreated in the fast Chinese economic growth and left behind wounded( dragons have all been cursed at the bottom of the sea and have no power to escape in the movie. Ao Bing has a huge expectations from his father and master and tries to take their expects to climb up to the top of the social pyramid.
The villagers' fear, hatred and prejudice to Ne Zha symbolised the public's fear to the new generation of Chinese new elites especially from an army background family. The Chinese thought those new elites had sin before their born. The sin has not been discussed clearly in the movie but is well known to the public. The sin is power, wealth and privilege in the Chinese society.
Ne Zha and Ao Bing could also have been seen as two sides of China. They are like Yin and Yang in the Bagua. Both Ne Zha and Ao Bing have evilness and goodness inside them. The collaboration of Ne Zha and Ao Bing indicated a harmony to society.
The discourse in the movie is not political correctness like a lot of audiences outside China would think. "No one but yourself could decide who you are" is a common rebellion idea to Chinese in its social revolutions and political movements. What is new in the movie is actually: people from rich and privileged, as well as people from poor and wounded have distructional power in the society, but if they work together, the destruction could turn into a harmony in the future.

疯狂打call!棒呆了!希望北美可以上映!. What did I just saw. 妖和仙之间的差别 只是看他能不能参悟 只有救人才是仙 但为了成仙去救人 照样是妖. Cool video. 6姑娘在YouTube还在宣传哪吒哪哈哈哈哈. 昨晚带老婆看了第三遍,前俩次自己看的,打破了老婆不喜欢看动漫的成见. 她说非常好看. This looks amazing, I need to see the full movie now. It makes wanna try cosplay Nezha. 果然他们就算有翻译也是看得一脸懵逼. DEFINITELY watching this :D. I just saw Nezha in the only theater in town that plays this film. It is unbelievablly good. I never expected a Chinese movie to be this good. The English subtitles are not so perfect tho. Many things are simply lost in translation.

I feel like i watched the movie already by watching this lol.

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